Recreational Fishing in Bornholm’s Lakes

If you’re into freshwater fishing, lots of lakes and ponds await you on Bornholm.

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Recreational Fishing in Freshwater

Bornholm offers a great variety of lakes, ponds, and old gravel pits that provide exciting fishing opportunities. In addition to pike, perch, trout, zander, eel, and lots of classic coarse fish such as, for instance, roach and tench, the many freshwater fisheries across Bornholm offer unique outdoor experiences and a peaceful kind of serenity that is decidedly different from traditional coastal fishing.

Freshwater Coarse Fishing
Put & Take Fishing on Bornholm
Fishing with Kids on Bornholm
Lake Fishing during the Summer Months

 Fishing License

If you intend to fish on Bornholm, you need a fishing license. (The only exception is if you’ll only be fishing Put & Take lakes – or if you’re below 18 or more than 65 years old. If so, you can fish in the ocean around Bornholm for free. 

Fishing licenses can be bought in your mobile phone at

Shops that have everything you need for your fishing trip

At Check Point Marine and SportDres you will find everything you need for your fishing trip. They are experts in fishing on Bornholm and can give tips for your fishing trip.

Seatrout Fishing on Bornholm

”Seatrout fishing: Bornholm” is a film by Gordon P. Henriksen and Niels Vestergaard. The purpose of the film is to better equip visiting fishermen for a successful trip to Bornholm and, as a result, the film is in English. (There is also a dubbed German version). Among other things, the film delves lots of the basics regarding fishing spots, weather conditions, the season, the equipment, lures, flies, clothing etc. It displays what is so unique about Bornholm: The beautiful scenery, the varied fishing spots, the wild self-reproducing seatrout stocks, and the great atmosphere. Although the video is mostly aimed at coastal anglers, there is useful knowledge for all fishing enthusiasts.
Accommodation for anglers

Indholdet er produceret med støtte fra FLAG-Bornholm.

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