
10 overlooked nature spots on Bornholm

Many people visit Bornholm just for its unique nature. Here are 10 overlooked nature spots, that you should see.

Bornholms nature is beyond most of what you have seen before. You’ll find Denmark’s highest waterfall, rock solid granite cliffs, sandy beaches that range over several miles, and where the sand is so fine that it once was used in hourglasses.

Of course there are several spots in Bonrholms scenery that are popular and much visited. But – there are other places and sceneries, that are as least as beautiful and breathtaking as their siblings, but are lesser known. Here is a list of 10 hidden gems for you in the Bornholm scenery.

Learn more about 10 lesser visited nature spots on Bornholm

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1. The mystic Rispebjerg on Southern Bornholm

Here, on the ridge between Pedersker and Poulsker on Southern Bornholm, you'll find remnants of a ring castle and marks of sun temples, that people raised as part of a sun cult for more than 5,000 years ago. Enjoy the scenic view from the wooden information and lookout tower.


2. Spellinge Mose Moor

When you ride your bike (or walk) along the cycle way (the old railway track) from Rø to Klemensker, you'll pass a moor area about 2 kilometres from Rø. This is Spellinge Mose Moor, which feeds Denmarks highest water fall with water. There is also a rock formation at the moor, on which a former castle is said to have existed - Storeborg or Grønneborg at Spellinge Mose.


3. The geographical junction on Sydbornholm

At this very place on Southern Bornholm, the 55th parallel Northern latitude meets the 15th Eastern logitude. Here, the sun is at its highest at exactly 12 o' clock noon (1.00 pm during daylight savings time). This makes Bornholm the only place in Denmark, where the time of day is exactly the same than the solar time.


4. Ravnedalen (the Fox' Valley) on Northern Bornholm

Ravnedalen is a Rift Valley and a heathland area at the main road to Allinge, Borrelyngvejen. Not fra from the camping site Lyngholt, the area is a true hidden gem and definitely an insiders' tip. The area itself seems to be a place where time stood still, and has done so since the Bronze Age more than 4,000 years ago. In the heathland you can find menhirs and cairns.


5. Troldskoven (the Troll Forest) at Stammershalle

Close to Hotel Stammershalle you'll find a forest, which is called the Troll Forest. In 1934, a Zoological Garden with exotic animals and even a bear's den was opened here. Today the forest is merely a fairy forest that you can visit all year.


6. The Madsebakke and Hammersholm Rock Carvings

Go for a walk from Hammersholm via the Granite Quarry Moseløkken and over the ridge down to Allinge. On your way you'll pass a lot of rock carving areas, that are more than 3,500 years old.


7. The Priest's pond in Klemensker

In the middle of the morainal area in Klemensker, you’ll find the Priest’s Pond (Præstemosen), almost right beneath the town’s church St. Clemens. A shelter and a jetty have been established at the pond very recently and are available to the public all year.


8. Louisenlund close to Østermarie

Louisenlund forest was bought by the Danish King Frederik VII. in 1851 and named after Duchess Louise Danner. Today the forest with more than 50 menhirs is maintained by the Jægersprisstiftelsen.


9. Salene Grave yard

An old rocky beach is located in the Bay of Salene. About 30 cairns witness of an old settlement or a grave yard that could be more than 2,500 years old. The area is also good fishing beat.


10. The Thief's Castle at Gudhjem

Find the Thief's Castle alongside the coastal path leading from Nørresand/Gudhjem towards Salene. About 400 Metres from city limits you'll see the Thief's Castle in a rift valley. The "Castle" actually has been used as a film set back in 1917.

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