Here are the best in arts and crafts on Bornholm

Bornholm artists have formed the association ACAB - Arts & Crafts Association Bornholm. Here you will find the best arts and crafts from Bornholm.

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Eminent arts and crafts on Bornholm

Bornholm has developed into a center for arts and crafts, and in 2017 – as the first place in Europe – Bornholm was appointed as World Craft Region. Since 2002, more than 60 of the most skilled professional arts and craftsmen have joined ACAB – Arts & Crafts Association Bornholm.

ACAB is a censored association, where an external assessment committee approves each craftsman before admission. The diversity of form, color, and materials is characteristic of the members of ACAB, which will also be evident from a visit to the joint exhibition venue, the art gallery Grønbechs Gård in Hasle.

ACAB’s exhibition at Grønbechs Gård

The art hall Grønbechs Gård in the large, old merchant’s house Grønbechs Gård in Hasle is the ideal starting point for you if you want to explore the island with visits to the craftsmen whose works you find particularly interesting.

More information about ACAB

Here you will find contact information for the Arts & Crafts Association
Facebook: → @craftsbornholm
Instagram: → @craftsbornholm
Website: →

Grønbechs Gård
See the best Bornholm arts and crafts at Grønbechs Gård in Hasle

Visit ACAB's arts and craftsmen

ACAB's members has a wide range. You will find professional artists working with glass, pottery, wood, jewelry, textiles and much more. Here are the ones you can visit on Bornholm:
Read why arts and crafts is so big on Bornholm
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