Travel to Bornholm

All roads lead to Bornholm - more or less. There are certainly many ways to get to Bornholm - and transportation is actually both fast and easy

Read more on how to get to Bornholm

It’s easy getting to Bornholm by ferry, plane, bus or train

You can e.g. fly to Bornholm in just 35 minutes from Copenhagen or in about 1 hour and 10 minutes from Billund and Aalborg in Jutland.

You can also travel by ferry from Ystad in Sweden in just 1 hour and 20 minutes (5 1/2 hours from Køge or 3 1/2 hours from Sassnitz in Germany), or you can get from Copenhagen to Bornholm by car, bus or train within less than three hours.

Take the ferry to Bornholm
By Bus to Bornholm
By Plane to Bornholm
By Train to Bornholm

Bus, plane, ferry or train - you can easily travel to Bornholm

You can contact one of the following companies for your travel to Bornholm

Remember to bring picture-ID, when travelling through Sweden or Germany

Sweden, Denmark and Germany have temporary ID-control at their borders - so remember to bring a valid picture-ID with you (EU drivers license, ID card or passport; In Germany you have to show a passport). We encourage you to bring and use creditcards, as there are no good money exchange options in Denmark.

Accommodation on Bornholm

Here is a selection of some of the island's many good accommodation options.
Tourist Information on Bornholm
10 historical experiences on Bornholm
App: Bornholm
7 hidden gems on Bornholm
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