
MTB trail “Den Grønne Ring” (The Green Ring)

Discover Rønne’s Den Grønne Ring on your bike. With integrated technical challenges for advanced riders.

Flemming Torsten Sørensen

8 km MTB trail around Rønne

Den Grønne Ring is a recreational area that circles Rønne. It was developed as part of an event held by the island’s DGI sports association.

The area was previously home to one of Bornholm’s biggest raw material industries, kaolinite mining. Mining began in the 1870s at Torneværket and Rosvang north of Snorrebakken, and at Buskeværket south of the road in Knudsker.

The area has an incredibly exciting industrial history, and it’s hard to imagine how its appearance has changed over the years. Gravel and kaolin mining has now stopped – but it has left the area with deep trenches, basins and artificial mounds and slopes that tower around the artificial lakes to the east / northeast of central Rønne. There are several places where you can still clearly see the white layer of kaolinite clay.

The hilly terrain makes the entire area perfect for MTB riding, and DGI Bornholm has built an excellent MTB trail complete with technical challenges for MTB riders.

Views and technical challenges

Den Grønne Ring MTB trail is signposted and starts in Nordskoven, or Blykobbe Plantation as the forest is officially called.

The trail starts at the end of Antoinettevej, just behind Nordskovens Campsite, which also marks the start of a variety of running routes. The trail extends all the way around the town of Rønne and ends by the sea in Rønne Syd. You can also choose to ride along the harbour and end up where you started.

The trail starts almost at sea level, moving through the very hilly terrain over the area’s highest point at “Snorebakken” before levelling out again along forest trails through Rønne Plantation towards the south and ending by the sea just north of the holiday home area known as “Stampen”. From there you can ride north on your own over the nature area Galløkken and along the water around the harbour.

Forest trails and off-road

The route starts and ends on natural forest trails. The middle section features several technical elements, curves, bumps, small rock gardens and technical ascents and descents down steep slopes. You can choose to ride the entire marked trail as one trip, approximately 8 kilometres from north to south, or head straight to the technical section around the area’s three lakes.

There are plenty of opportunities here to try out the technical tracks, hang around and practise a bit or ride around between the different challenges. The ample terrain between the tracks will appeal to off-roaders; you might even carve your own track or challenge. Naturally, we hope that everyone who cycles in the area will help look after it. Some areas have gravel depots that you can use to refill any areas affected by moisture or pools of stagnant water.

Have fun MTBing around Rønne!

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