The People's Meeting "Folkemødet" on Bornholm

The People's Meeting in Allinge is Denmark's festival about society's opportunities and challenges.

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The concept

The People’s Meeting “Folkemødet” in Allinge is a unique platform with open debates where politics meets citizens, business people and organisations under informal forms on Bornholm. Folkemødet is a Danish counterpart to the famous Swedish Almedalveckan that draws up to 100,000 visitors to the Swedish island of Gotland.

Event dates

The event takes place from June 13-25, 2024.

The People’s Meeting is for everybody

The People’s Meeting is an open event where Danes can meet their politicians and representatives from government ministries, NGOs or industry. It is a festival with concerts, pop-up eateries, display booths, political debates and other entertaining events.

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Book your accommodation in advance

If you want to stay overnight on Bornholm during the People’s Meeting, we recommend that you book your accommodation well in advance. Since the event is very popular many accommodations are fully booked during the event. However, Bornholm is not a large island, so it is possible to book accommodation outside Allinge and use the local public busses for transport.

Program and overview

 You can find the program at (only in Danish).

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