
Public Charging Stations for electric cars (EV) on Bornholm

Bornholm is a green island and with the vision "Bright green island" the island will get even greener by 2035

Bornholm is a sustainable and climate-friendly island community. Therefore, you can charge your electric car in the different areas of Bornholm.

Public Charging Stations for electric cars on Bornholm

At the Danish website, you can get an overview of where it is possible to charge your electric car (EV) when you are on the island → follow the link to here

When you charge your car on Bornholm, you always charge 100% green. This is because the electricity we produce on Bornholm – under normal circumstances – comes from sun, wind, and biomass.

Hotels and other accommodation facilities have also charging stations

Several of Bornholms hotels and other accommodation facilities have also charging stations for electric cars, that can be used by their accommodated guests → Find them here

Good to know, when yoy vsiting Denmark in an electric car

When you visit Denmark in an EV, you can get information and advice in terms of charging and parking your electric car on this site → follow the link to


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