Bakkerne Harbour

Come visit one of the smallest fishery ports in picturesque Pedersker on Bornholm

Bakkerne Harbour

Bakkerne Harbour is one of the smallest fishery ports on the island, with a water depth of only one metre. It is also an offshore harbour and is usually filled up with local vessels, but a few small boats can visit the little fishing hamlet in good weather.

The harbour originally had only a shelter jetty with an extension. Despite hardships and poverty, the fishermen succeeded in completing the harbour in 1944. The harbour was reinforced in 1982, and, despite its modest size, it became a very active fishery harbour. Its location, close to where the Baltic seabed is steeply sloped with lots of angling spots, contributed to its success, and the harbour’s smokehouse is still active.

At no time has Bakkerne lost its charming appeal. Quite the contrary: the natural surroundings, the small fishermen’s sheds and harbour form a must-see environment.

The harbour has a local bicycle rental shop and crazy golf.

The biggest stream on Bornholm flows into the sea 300 metres from the harbour. A few hundred metres from where the stream flows into the sea is an interesting area with a water mill, a trout spawning building and the island’s biggest freshwater system for sea trout, where countless sea trout have been caught as they migrated upstream to spawn.

Nearby is the point 55° north/15° east, marked by a granite block; this is the exact centre of the Central European Time zone.

Yachting Guide Bornholm

Read more about Bornholm’s harbours.




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3720 Aakirkeby



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