Storeborg at Spællinge Mose

Storeborg at Spællinge Mose, a moor area, is a refuge fort from the Iron Age and is also called Grønneborg (Green Castle)

Storeborg is assumed to be built around 0 AC. The area itself was undercut when the new railway line was established in 1912/13 – the path in the gorge is today a biking and hiking trail.

This is how you find Storeborg at Spællinge Mose

Drive along Nørregårdsvej/Krashavevej (abt. 4 km from the main road between Klemensker and Olsker – or abt. 1,8 km from the road between Rø and Olsker) – until you see a traffic sign for the bike road no. 26 to Spellinge Mose. Park your car along the road. and walk down the bike trail to Spellinge Mose. Turn right, where the path crosses the bike trail / the old railway road. Walk for about 250 metres, and you’ll find the castle rock on your left hand.


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3760 Gudhjem

Rutsker Højlyng / Spellinge Mose

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