Rø Plantation

Varied nature experience

For many people Rø Plantation is mainly the Borgedal Lake in Søndre Borgedal. Either the spectacular view from Sigtevej or the picturesque tour around the lake. However, the biggest part of the plantation is situated on the other side of the lake and awaits the visitor with a dramatic landscape of rift valleys, rocks and steep climbs of the terrain. The rough northern character of the landscape is emphasized by the birchtrees and the many pines, but the plantation also hides idyllic forest lakes and beech forests with anemones on the forest floor.

Sleep in the forest

In Rø Plantation you are allowed to encamp for free, but stick to the rules, which you can find at the Naturstyrelsen website.

Read more about wild camping on Bornholm.

Also check out the Danish Website udinaturen.dk where you find an interactive map of large, small and primitive campsites. (choose “Sov under stjernerne”, then “frit teltningsområde” and “primitiv overnatningsplads”).


Opening hours this week:

No opening hours available for this week.

Tlf. +45 7254 3002

E-mail bon@nst.dk

Web naturstyrelsen.dk

Sigtevej 14

3760 Gudhjem

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