Nexø Museum

Nexø Museum offers a row of interesting exhibitions of for example the time of the swedes and the russian bombings of the town in 1945

Nexø og Omegns Museumsforening, who is running the small museum was founded in 1968. Officially the museum opened in 1970 after a thorough rebuilding and tries with both changing and permanent exhibitions to show the bornholm relations through the times.

The characteristic museum building near the harbour was built in 1796 as ”Nexøe Vagt” (the Nexø Guards).

Building materials were sandstones from the quarry Frederiks Stenbrud, which in 1754 had been opened to the north of the town. The building replaced an older building placed in the same spot, but it was so worn out that it had to be torn down.

The Nexø Guards from 1796 only worked for 60 years. After 1843 where citizens representations were erected in the market towns – and thus also in Nexø – a new Town Hall with court and jail was built in 1856 on the old town square in Købmagergade across from Kvickly. The building on the harbour was instead used as storage, and the walls were heightened, so that it was 2 stories – as well as some outbuildings were built including harbour office, weight and toilets, which are all torn down now.


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Tlf. +45 5649 2556



Havnen 9

3730 Nexø

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