An old red brick building sat on the beautiful beaches of Årsdale. Under danish terms it can be no more idyllic when Mikkeller opens the doors to the old ice house, the home of the bar and restaurant.
The background of the bar in Årsdale is closely connected to one of the hardworking permanent crew who hide in the wings of Mikkeller. The cabinetmaker Nikolaj Eis is born and lives on Bornholm, where he produces most of the furniture to the Mikkeller bars and restaurants. When he found the empty building in Årsdale he at once could see the potential and he did not hesitate to sell the idea of a Mikkeller Bar in the small Bornholm town to Mikkel Borg Bjergsø.
”I could at once see how great it could be, even if it needed a little work” he says.
The old ice house has been thoroughly restored and Nikolaj Eis has had good help from some of the inhabitants of the little fishing hamlet for the final details.
”It is fantastic to feel how many people who want to help, and how much people look forward to the new place opening” Eis tells, who amongst others has his Bornholm cousins working with paintbrushes and tools.
Find opening hours here:
mikkeller.comOpening hours this week:
Tlf. +45 31 54 89 55
Laksegade 3, Aarsdale
3740 Svaneke