Find the closest doctor and medical centre (lægehus) to you here:
Find behandler – (only in Danish)
Please note: Call 112 immediately, if you need instant help with a life-threatening illness or accident! You can call 24/7.
In all other cases please call the nearest doctor (lægehus) between 8 am and 4 pm – or call the “Akuttelefonen” (telephone-doctor) at telephone number 1813 between 4 pm and 8 am (when prompted for a Danish CPR-number and you do not have any, just wait for an operator answer you).
Please do not just drive to the emergency station at Bornholms Hospital, please call 112 (in an emergency) or 1813 (in a non life threatening situation) instead and wait for further instructions.
Find behandler – (only in Danish)